Co-production for recovery: a call for innovators
Are you passionate about helping people to do things for themselves? Does the notion of co-production and recovery excite or intrigue you? Do you run a social enterprise? Are you a digital guru? An innovator working across Essex? Or perhaps all of the above? If so you might be interested in an immersive workshop on 29th January, in Chelmsford, Essex.
A bit of background
During 2016, Essex County Council (ECC) will be approaching the market to procure a Recovery Service for adults with mental health and/or substance misuse issues. The new service will potentially incorporate recovery-based support for individuals with substance misuse and/or mental health vulnerabilities and is likely to include the provision of:
- Advice and Support,
- Mentoring and Volunteering Opportunities, and
- Other opportunities for social inclusion and meaningful activity outside of standard therapy and treatment.
A key purpose of the new service will be to enhance recovery from substance misuse and/or mental health problems by enabling people to take control of and ownership over their lives. Commissioners are looking to move away from standard models of ‘service user involvement’ and wish to commission a service (or services) that is fully co-produced and co-designed with people who use services (including families, carers etc.).
In order to facilitate a new conversation between commissioners and providers and to support this work ThePublicOffice will be facilitating an immersive workshop on 29th January in Chelmsford, Essex (1030-1530). The aims of this workshop will be:
- to explain more about ECC’s commissioning intentions
- to share what we have learnt about recovery and coproduction in our recent enquiry around mental health
- for participants to consider whether this work focused on coproduction and recovery is for you
- for participants to meet people and make connections with each other
- hear about next steps, including further events ECC plans to hold in February which will give more detail on the tender process.
We recommend that you read our report Hope for Better Mental Health, which provides challenge and stimulus for the discussions that we will be having on the day, which will cover the fields of both mental health and substance misuse services. We believe our conversations will be both exciting and ambitious.
Does this sound up your street? If it does, and you’d be interested in joining us, we’d love to hear from you. The event will be held on 29th January, 10.30am-3pm at:
Central Baptist Church
Victoria Road South
(A light lunch will be served. Please contact us if you have any dietary or other requirements).
Please contact for more information asap, as spaces are limited.